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COVID-19: Is This The End of Mankind or a Re-construction?

Corona virus or COVID-19!  Yes, this one word is terrifying the whole world right now. That being said, the world has never seen such a huge loss of life in any other disaster or epidemic since the Second World War. Spread from a small market in China's Wuhan Province, the microscopic virus is claiming thousands of lives every day. This deadly covid-19 has engulfed all the continents of the world except Antarctica. Its infection and loss of life is constantly increasing all over the world. Every day, the corona virus continues to wreak havoc on the world's advanced technology. It's like the zombie outbreak seen on the screen! The whole world seems to have come to a sudden halt, a state of emergency has been declared all around, schools, colleges, offices, markets, cinema halls, concerts are all deserted and silent today. The whole human race has begun to fight against an unknown, invisible enemy.  Before starting the discussion, let us know in advance what is COVID-19 and w

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