COVID-19: Is This The End of Mankind or a Re-construction?

Corona virus or COVID-19! 
Yes, this one word is terrifying the whole world right now. That being said, the world has never seen such a huge loss of life in any other disaster or epidemic since the Second World War. Spread from a small market in China's Wuhan Province, the microscopic virus is claiming thousands of lives every day. This deadly covid-19 has engulfed all the continents of the world except Antarctica. Its infection and loss of life is constantly increasing all over the world. Every day, the corona virus continues to wreak havoc on the world's advanced technology. It's like the zombie outbreak seen on the screen!
The whole world seems to have come to a sudden halt, a state of emergency has been declared all around, schools, colleges, offices, markets, cinema halls, concerts are all deserted and silent today. The whole human race has begun to fight against an unknown, invisible enemy. 
Before starting the discussion, let us know in advance what is COVID-19 and what is its origin? So far, the deadly virus is thought to have spread from a live animal market in China's Wuhan Province. And it has been transmitted through bats. The corona virus originally existed as a conventional virus, similar to the common influenza virus, and at a certain time each year it infected people with a limited size and a small amount of symptoms. But the corona virus that we see spreading in December 2019 is basically a strong and later form of that conventional virus. Basically, the virus has taken on a terrifying and destructive form by altering its RNA structure. That is why this corona of 2019 has been identified as the novel corona virus. The virus is currently spreading in almost all parts of the world in the form of a global epidemic.
Let's get to the basics - it may not be reasonable to call Corona the end of human civilization, but rather it can be called a re-construction of the whole of human civilization, that is, a rearrangement of all the habits, manners and customs of man so far. Observing history shows that mankind has survived epidemics such as the Spanish flu, Ebola, and so on. So it is ridiculous to declare COVID-19 as the cause of extinction of human civilization right now!
Rather, the corona virus will reveal a new form of mankind. However, there are some questions, such as - will it only affect the health sector? Or will education, politics, economics all be affected by it? According to the World Health Organization, many of the previous habits of human will be abandoned. But Corona is not alone in being responsible for this change. In trying to make people aware of the spread of this virus, the media has created a far-reaching panic in the human mind that people will hold on to for a long time. This is the first time since World War II that people all over the world are getting used to the practice of quarantine, isolation etc. 
The education system is going to change drastically. People are becoming accustomed to e-learning, which indicates a huge change in the teaching process. Many tech giant companies around the world routinely allow their employees to work from home, for example, we can mention Twitter, one of the largest social media in the world. Twitter is encouraging its employees to "work from home" and they are considering keeping the decision in the aftermath of the epidemic. In addition, the economy is undergoing a major transformation. Banking services will become more online based, people will be interested in internet based business.
And, at the end of the day, the tendency to live while maintaining social distance between people will increase. Sociologists, as usual, are focusing on social distance as the subject of their research. The idea is that this social distance will create a single family at a higher rate in human society, people will become more self-centered. That is to say, it is quite certain that COVID-19 will have a new transformative effect on the entire existence of mankind. People will be forced to rein in their normal activities in the name of health protection. Be on the other hand, the corona virus cannot be blamed for the depletion of mankind. People have adapted themselves to the natural changes of the ages and have kept their existence and development intact till the 21st century. In the same way, people will be able to resist the corona virus through its adaptive ability and advanced technology, which is desirable. Therefore, it would be appropriate to refer to COVID-19 as the re-construction of human civilization.


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