If bees were paid the minimum wage, a jar of honey would cost $350,000!

Someone on reddit calculated how much a jar of honey would cost if bees were paid a minimum wage:

The worker honey bees live for about 5 months.
Bees work around 8 hours per day and one bee will make 1/12 teaspoon of honey during their lifetime. That means about 14400 bees to make a tablespoon full honey! 
Let's imagine they work for 13 cents per hour which is comparable to the hourly wage of Bangladeshi garment worker.
That means it costs about $1872 to make only a tablespoon or 7g of honey.
So, per gram honey would cost $264 in labor.
Normally there's 100% mark-up for the distributor and 100% mark-up for the retailer, which means it would cost around $1050 to buy 1g honey from a departmental store.
So, a small 12oz jar of honey would cost $350,000! 
But luckily, honeybees are doing it for free and as a lifetime 100% discount offer. So be grateful to nature!


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